Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sunday Stills - Silhouettes

This weeks Sunday Stills challenge was silhouette's and what a challenge it was. There was no bright sunlight to be found this week in our neck of the woods, at least on my moments off of work, so I've dug into my archives to find some oldies to share this week.

The top picture of the ship was taken last fall on the close of a fun day that Riff and I has spent exploring the Washington side of our Columbia River country. We had found a little dirt road that paralleled the river right at sunset. Beautiful sights on a road that we had not known existed.

Picture number two was taken just a couple of weeks ago on a walk at the beach. Riff and Blackie were romping in the surf. I like the reflections in this one.

The silhouette of the little doe was taken a year or so ago, on the road that leads to the Astoria column. It was dusk and she just seemed to pop against the blue of the evening sky.

Hope you all had a good week with beautiful shots.


threecollie said...

They are all really nice, especially the doe!

VioletSky said...

I was wondering if that was a doe - great capture.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Love the beach shot - the color, the action, the characters... Beautiful.

gigi said...

I love the reflections in that 2nd shot! I'm so partial to beach pictures. These were great.
Thanks for stopping by my place today.

Holly said...

Love the doe!

Ed said...

great shots, the doe is fantastic! Nice header pic too..:-)

flowerweaver said...

My favorite is of Riff and Blackie on the beach.

Kelly said...

The beach shot is great...both silhouettes and shadows!

Paintsmh said...

I love the picture of the doe! She is so beautiful!

allhorsestuff said...

Very nice archival pics here! I love the reflection silhouette!
Thanks for visiting me today!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I enjoyed the doe photo, they are all good, but that one was excellent! :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice silhouettes. You live in one of my favorite places to be.. the Oregon coast!

Anonymous said...

Three lovely pictures and I too liked the doe the best.

Unknown said...

Those pictures are awesome! I like the beach one the best.
I didn't get mine done this week. Didn't have much sun & it snowed yesterday. Crazy!!

CTG Ponies said...

Very nice. I love the doe.

Tipper said...

Love all the photos-so neat! Your radishes looks sooo tasty too-mine are all gone-already too hot here for radishes.

Yolanda said...

I love all of these but you know I love Astoria. You should be getting your book soon. I love the header.

Carroll Baker said...

love the beach shots

Regular Guy said...

Nice job on the doe, the beach looks great too.

Anonymous said...

Oh Paula, thanks for stopping by and entering to win my Antrho giveaway. Looks like you've been doing a little frolicking yourself ;-) With all those lovely pictures. Wonderful blog you have here.

Jamie :)