Hmm...What can I use to knit a lightweight summery bag to take to the beach? After quite a bit of thinking, I came up with the idea of knitting using raffia. The biggest obstacle I faced was finding some darn raffia that came on a spool and was a continious strand. I searched the internet for days and came up with nothing. Craft supplies in our little town are sadly lacking, so I drove an hour to a Michaeal's and found a few spools, and in different colors. The raffia was a little hard to work with, but mostly because it was knotted up periodecally on the spools. I bought what I thought would be plenty, but ran out about 3/4's of the way through the bag, so back to Longview I went for more raffia. Thank heavans they still had some. The mermaid on the front was just cut out of different colored felt pieces and appliqued to the front. (Actually, it looks a little off kilter here. Oh, well...) I brushed some glittery paint onto her tail to give her a fishy shine.
I then found this fun retro inspired canvasy fabric for the lining and proceeded to sew it in. Now, think about sewing a fabric lining into a loose knit raffia bag. Easier said than done. I was going to do it by hand, but that proved more than my fingers could bear to push the needle through those layers, so I abused my poor little sewing machine and finished it that way.
I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It has been sent off to my swap partner in a Summer Swap that I participated in. I hope you enjoy it, Jenn.
On my Starbucks cup today:
"The world is smaller than you think, and the people on it are more beautiful than you think."
~Bertram van Munster
I love it...
Bravo you... :D I'm glad your machine is back in one piece. :D
Good gracious! I love this bag. How very talented of you. I am crazy for Mermaids too :) I was going to post about that soon. Your partner is going to love that bag. I can't wait to see what you get in return.
i love quotes on starbucks cups :)
~the room in the basement
carless...and hungry
great bag!!
take care and happy Friday :)
You did a fantastic job on that bag! I love it!
I do love this bag--you did a fabulous job!! I can't imagine how much patience you had to have while doing it!
OH MY, what a lovely bag!!!!!!!!!What a lucky partner you have.
What a cute idea!
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