(originally uploaded
here by Majeczka)
I have just finished reading Nora Roberts Blue Smoke and, while reading, marked a passage that really hit home for me right now so I wanted to share it with you. It's humorous and so very true about the challenge of raising kids. In this passage Reena has stopped by her big Italian families restaurant after a hard day on the job as an arson investigator. We join them as Reena asks her Mama a question that has been nagging her since her last case:
"Mama, have your children broken your heart?"
"Countless times. Here, have some mushrooms. What if he burns the dinner?" (Reena's new beau is cooking her dinner.)
"Just one. If we broke your heart, why did you have four of us?"
"Because your father wouldn't leave me alone and let me sleep."
He turned his head at that, chuckled. (Reena's Dad)
"I am serious. Every time I turn around, the man's hands get busy." Bianca tapped her spoon on the edge of the pot, set it down. "I had four because as often as you broke my heart, you filled it. You're the treasures of my life, and the biggest pains in my ass."
AMEN. Man, did this passage speak to me right now. Sometimes the question nags, if I had known how hard it would be, would I have done it? The answer is yes. A great big huge YES. Those darn kids, all six of them and now their babies are the treasures of our souls.
What are you reading right now? Share with me a passage that spoke directly to you...
And then, without delay, hop on over to
Mary's Writing Nook and sign up for the Christmas book swap she's hosting. It's aways fun to get new reading material!
I've just started reading an old book, published in the 50's sometime I think ~ Little Britches, Father and I were Ranchers by Ralph Moody. It's a true story about Ralph's life as a young boy on a ranch outside of Denver. Written like a novel for young readers, it's very fun and good so far.