Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

(originally uploaded by HDR Cafe')


Adrienne said...

Happy Easter Day to you, dear friend, from my home to yours. Praying that you will have a good day today with some 'hoppy' surprises! ~Adrienne~

Twisted Fencepost said...

Cute picture!
And Happy Easter, to you!!

Shawnee said...

Happy Easter to you, too!!

ancient one said...

Happy Easter to you!! If your rabbit runs out of clover we have some in our lawn...

Mary said...

Absolutely beautiful! I wish we saw rabbits around here like we used to when I was a child. I miss seeing them leaping across the road and through the fields.

Happy Easter, my friend. I hope you had a good day. Keeping you in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bunny!
Mama Bear

Unknown said...

This is such a cute picture!
It reminds me of Pepper when she was a young rabbit.