It's been a beautiful sunny weekend here on the North Coast, a weekend to dig into the rich dark soil, getting your hands and knee's dirty as you begin the restorative task of turning over the winter dirt and finding the fresh spring soil underneath. As I worked this afternoon, the smell of fresh mown grass and newly blooming daffodils surrounded me. The sweet sun beat down on my pony-tailed head, warming my spirit and my soul. There is something about gardening that is so refreshing, so fundamental. A time to think and pray and just be. I didn't solve any problems while I was down there today, but I did feel a little bit of my balance coming back. Dirt under the fingernails will do that, and just the act of digging that shovel into the ground and tossing that soil around makes things just a little bit better.
Thank you for visiting our little herb and veggie patch today. I hope you got a little digging of your own down. It's time to get dirty and restore your soul~
This is the time of year that I dig out my gardening books and magazines. What will catch my eye and imagination this planting season? A cottage garden is always my favorite, a mix of veggie's and old-fashioned flowers to tantalize the senses. Lavender and Shasta Daisies, Cosmo's and Blue Flax will reside beside tomato plants, squash, onions and Rosemary. Sweet Pea's and tender Spinach leaves will soon be shooting their way up through the dark soil. I can almost taste the green goodness already...
Hi, Paula -
Hasn't our weekend weather been just perfect for gardening - or dreaming - or sitting and thinking. I think it's best to do all of the above in your garden. And yes, praying! Your photos are wonderful. I love your bird bath. Wherever did you find such a gorgeous piece? Love your header.
It was nice here too. Did a little tilling and lawn mowing and enjoying the warm weather and sunshine.
Ahhh ... so refershing. We just got a tiller - we have so much to do (this year and next) that the manual one ... well - it's for the birds!
Now if we can just find a way to keep out the family of skunks and ground hogs we just might have a garden on our hands!
Well, if I could get it to stop raining and everyone to stop planning my days or interrupting the middle of the day, maybe I could get something done.
I'm glad you were able to get out and dig in the dirt and pray. You will resolve things in time. Remember to everything there is a season.
Love your little garden. Cosmos are one of my favorite flowers. I love the ferny leaves and the pretty blooms. I think I will plant some again this year. I had some a few years ago and hubby didn't like them because they spread so, but they really are beautiful.
Take care, my friend. I am keeping you in my prayers. I won't be gardening for some time. It's cold here with flurries and rain.
Your garden is going to be so pretty! The soil looks dark & rich.
I did get out yesterday & hoed stickery weeds that have taken over my yard. I think they even grow in the winter!
My sweetie used to tell me, that when he looked outside and my butt was in the air, he knew I was happy!!
Not much airbutting down here in AZ but your photos brought it all back.
Missed you on the tour, but congrats on winning!!!
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