Do you remember the commercial where the women are in the house talking about the new window blinds, completely oblivious to the fact that the man is in the backyard being thrown around and blown-up by the grill? A very similar scene took place at our house the other day. I was in the living room where we have a huge picture window that looks down onto our backyard. I was cleaning away - sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, throwing away old newspapers, and singing along with Meatloaf on the stereo; just having a grand old time. At the same time, Riff was in the backyard, trimming the maple tree. Our backyard is on a pretty steep hill, so the tree doesn't look very big in this picture, but it is a normal sized tree, not just a bush. This tree has a tendency to grow straight up which blocks the view of the bay, so every couple of years it has to be trimmed back. Anyway, there's Riff up on the ladder with his big long trimmer thingy-ma-bob happily trimming away. As the story goes, he was actually IN the tree, trying to step back onto the ladder when our very own Whomping-Maple decided to reach out and smack him across the face. His balance was thrown off and down went the ladder with Riff falling through the air and landing on top of the toppled over ladder. Very much reminds me of said commercial, which has made me giggle hysterically to myself all week at random times. Now mind you, he wasn't badly injured, just some scrapes, bruises and a little bit of swelling around the wrist (nothing broken). I wouldn't be laughing if he had, say, broken his neck or something. But as it stands, no major injuries, it really does paint a funny picture.
The moral of the story is....If you were to fall out of a tree at our house, or get blown-up by a barbecue grill, we'll ask if you're hurt - if we can get the words out between the snorts of laughter.

Our family does the same thing. As long as you haven't broken anything or have to be hospitalized, we laugh at other's mishaps. I remember falling UP the stairs one time and my parents laughing at me. I couldn't believe it at the time but seem to have inherited the same trait. Glad you dh is fine and that you had a great weekend.
This post made me giggle!
I have the same ummmm...well...problem. I can't help but laugh when someone falls. It's not the fall, but the act of falling that's funny. Arms and legs flailing....
just funny. Even when I fall. And what's kids inherited it too.
Oh, Paula you are so mean. Yes I giggled a little at the picture you painted in my mind, but give Riff a big hug. I'm glad he is O.K.
This is why I hate to be away from home if Honey Bear is going to tackle something that requires a ladder or getting on the roof. Years ago he was working at the barn on the farm, up on a ladder. He'd place it on uneven ground(not unusual)and it threw him off. He tried calling me but of course he was too far away. He crawled to the house. Well, I had to drive him to the hospital. He had broken his leg down near the ankle in two places and still has steel pins in there.
Mama Bear
Glad he was o.k.-it does sound just like the commercial :)
I think it's human nature to laugh at the spectacle a person makes when they fall, not that they are falling. I do the same thing! I then try to choke back the laugh until I'm sure the person isn't hurt.
I'm glad Riff wasn't badly hurt.
I confess and so would my kids too that we would laugh at someone's mishap -once we knew they were actually ok anyway. But boy, he is just darned lucky that nothing was broken in the fall. A friend of ours lost her husband in a fall from a ladder. He was rigging up Christmas lights -three years ago this past Christmas -and fell off the ladder -fractured his skull and he died within a couple hours. The worst part of this was they had just had their first child and the baby was only 2 weeks old when this happened. Just tell Riff to make sure he's being as careful as possible next time he tries to trim the trees!
Laughter is good for the soul :)
I am glad he wasn't too hurt!
Oh my Gawd that was hysterical!
I love the way you told the story- I could just see this happening!
At first glance, Riff looks like he's fishing. He may need some extra line to reach the bay.
I'm not laughing at Riff, but your comparison to that window commercial has me howling!
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