This morning, over at my friend CatieAn's blog, I read about an amazing bloggy event going on called One World One Heart. Lisa at A Whimsical Bohemian is the host of this phenomenon, has been hosting it for a couple of years. It is all about meeting new bloggy friends and reconnecting with old. Finding kindred spirits who we haven't ventured out and met yet. Connecting with people in our corner of the world and also across the pond both ways. It's what blogging is all about, connections and making our world seem not so big and scary. It's a wonderful thing for me, to think that because of this crazy bloggy world, I have friends all over the place, people I've never met face to face but feel that I know. Some of them I do know that I could show up on their doorstep, introduce myself and be swept into a hug, invited in for tea and a cozy chat. How comforting is that ~ to know that there are people all over the place that really truly care for you. Incredible.
As soon as I read about this, I had to join in because I feel so strongly about what Lisa is trying to do. Oh - and I visited her site and swooned over her beautiful vibrant artwork. Go take a peek for yourself. It's gorgeous and so much fun! In the name of the game I've decided to give two prizes away for One World One Heart to two Magic Carpet 2010 ticket holders. Getting your ticket is easy, just leave a comment, that's all, no tricks, only treats! The winners will be chosen on February 15th by a random number picker at random.org. Easy peasy!

First, I will be giving away a set of four homemade picture note cards and envelopes featuring my Gnome friends. I've caught them in the cutest situations - out playing in the woods, feeding chickens, all kinds of things, so wanted to share their antics with a blogger friend, new or old. Then, for the second prize, an actual flesh and blood, or I suppose I should say, yarn and fiberfill, Gnome....Mr. Barney Gnome, brother to a dear friend of mine. Read on for the story of how we met.
I would like you to meet my friend, Mr. Walter Gnome. My daughter, Shilo, and I were strolling along in the woods one recent afternoon when I heard a bit of rustling in a tree nearby. I heard a tiny voice proclaim "Top o' the morning to you" and with a bit of searching found Walter stretching his arms in pleasure at the tiny bit of sunshine that was peeking through the trees. (Yes, it was afternoon, but a Sunday and Gnomes tend to sleep late on Sundays.) Walter and I quickly became fast friends and not a day goes by that we don't visit on the phone. I was telling my new friend about this wonderful blogging event and he came up with a brilliant idea. It seems that his brother, Barney, has a hankering to travel a bit and meet some new people. He would be willing to put himself out there as a prize for One World One Heart, that is, if anyone would have him. I assured him that someone would love a new little friend such as he. I wish I could show you a picture of Barney, but alas, he seems to be attached to my crochet hook and was to self-conscious to let me take a photo with that metal hook attached to him. He's every bit as cute as his brother, though. (Please don't let Walter know I said that. He would be crushed. Thankfully he hasn't mastered the art of computers so won't be reading this.)
Sometimes Gnomes are shy, actually a lot of times. Even though he and I are friends, sometimes I still find him hiding in the tall grass, just waiting quietly, hoping we don't pass him by. We don't. I always keep an eye out for him, careful that an eagle doesn't carry him off. I'm pretty sure that you're little gnome friend will be fairly shy as well. They are brothers after all.
I've told him that he will be going to live in a new wonderful home and that his new friends have not yet been chosen. That they will be the holders of the Magic Carpet 2010 ticket here at On a Rainy Night. Barney, (that's his name you know), thinks that I meant he was going to be flying to his new home upon a magic carpet. I tried to explain to him that no, he would be hitching a ride with the mailman, but I still keep catching him singing this tune: