There's nothing better to brighten up the middle of the day like some mailbox love. I received the nicest package recently from Rexanne at The Church Lady's Blog. Rexanne was out shopping when she ran across not only this Jemima Puddle Ducks book, but also another one. She remembered that my daycare is called Puddle Ducks, so she bought both of the books, (which I have already read at naptime several different times!) and sent them to me along with two wonderful handmade lavender sachets. Thank you Rexanne, we just love them!! Then, just the other day, the mailman left another box on the front porch. I couldn't imagine what was in it, I hadn't ordered anything recently. Much to my delight, that brown box revealed this wonderful old childrens size quilt from Sarah at The Misadventures of Mama and Jack. Sarah had held a giveaway on her blog quite awhile ago and I won it, but had missed the post that said I did and asking for my address. I've been so busy with the new grandbabies and the new business that my blog reading has really gone by the wayside, so when I fiiinallly popped over to visit Sarah and her darling little Jack, I found out that I had won this fabulous quilt. I emailed my address to Sarah, whose computer promptly bit the dust and lost all of her contacts. Anyway, it's been a long time and I had forgotten that this delightful quilt was on it's way to me. It arrived on a beautiful spring morning, so I gathered up my Puddle Ducks, took the quilt and the Jemima Puddleducks book to our sunny back deck and there we had storytime. Doesn't take me long to use these fabulous gifts. Thanks so much, Sarah and Rexanne! I love it all!
Zippy the Frog and Felicia Kitty are two cell phone holders that were a special order. I finished Zippy this weekend and Felicia last night. Like a dummy, I was so excited when I came up with a decent drawing for Felicia that I didn't measure her to see if the cell phone would fit. I am, by far, NOT an artist so am always tickled to death when my patterns in my head actually turn out cute on paper. Anyway, I was putting the last stitches in Felicia's ears when it dawned on me that she just may be too small. I grabbed the nearest cell phone and yep, she sure was. My little embroidery scissors fit her nicely, so Felicia is for sale on etsy and her much bigger sister, Mabel, is purring away in her new owners purse.

My sister, Stacey, has just started a blog and I would like to welcome her to this crazy blogging world. I am so excited to be able to keep in touch with both of my sisters this way. It's not that we don't chat on the phone whenever we get the chance, but I love this also because it's different stuff. A lot of the pictures we post and subjects that we tend to write about here aren't necessarily things that pop into our everyday conversations. Sometimes there more of our inner thoughts and sometimes there just silly jibberish. Either way, it's just one more way to be that much closer. Welcome Stacey, and, Susan, I hope you're already enjoying your journey.