As I'm munching on popcorn and watching a movie with my sweetie in front of the crackling fire, my mind wanders back in time. I'm suddenly nine years old, dressed in my handmade flannel red and white nightgown, warm and clean from my bath. Surrounded by my sisters and brother, I'm lying on the brown shag carpet, a bowl of popcorn and a plastic tupperware cup of cherry Kool-Aid in front of me. All eyes are glued to the RCA television set as Tinkerbell flits through the night sky. With a flick of her wand, she lights up the magic castle and The Wonderful World of Disney begins, taking us on grand adventures through far away lands and times. This was a Sunday night ritual that we never missed. A memory that I treasure.
A few of my favorite Sunday night Disney movies were "The Child of Glass", "Charlie the Lonesome Cougar" and "Old Yeller". What were your favorites?
I think we were probably sisters ;) Wonderful and true memory, I drift back and remember those times as well, were everything was pure and magical, like the movies.
T-man and I were JUST talking about this. I said something about Dexter (which I'm hooked on now) isn't a "Sunday night show". Sunday's are for Disney - and we then relived Sunday Disney nights. Man I miss those times. I also loved the Gulf commercials during Disney... people were driving without cars (ala stop motion filming). I think about all the stuff we have at our fingertips... dvd, computers, etc. I miss the simpler times. I love that you posted this Paula... I'm filled with such wonderful memories!
Off the top of my head, I can't think of my favorite when I was a kid... but loved all the stuff that was set in England. Mary Poppins probably my fave. Also loved all the movies with Kurt Russell.
Oh what memories! Its amazing how similiar we can all be!
thank you for taking us back to our childhood of easy enjoyment and fun with our brothers and sisters...
it was a nice nostalgic moment...
The network that carried Disney (on Sunday night) wasn't available where I live (lived back then too) -the station was too far away, signal too weak to be picked up by tv antenna down in the gully here (pre-cable era, ya know.) BUT, the little town about 8 miles from here where my aunt, uncle and cousin lived was high enough up in these mountains that they could pick that channel up and I used to beg my Mom to go to their house late on Sunday afternoon so I could watch Roy Rogers, Lassie and Disney too! I always loved that song "When You Wish Upon a Star" too!
Ahh, such sweet memories! I had nearly forgotten Sunday night with Disney. Tinkerbell was always so lucky. She got to fly! ~Adrienne~
Gosh there were so many movies I can't pinpoint any in particular. but before Disney came on, in the early afternoons Charlie Chan, Mutual of Omaha's Wild kingdom, and the movie classics that played movies like Treasure Island and 1000 Leagues Under the Sea. We'd have a big lunch then snack during the late afternoon and evening. Seems like Sundays were baking day cookies and fudge and popcorn!!! Loved those good old days....
I still miss those Sunday nights & wish they still played those movies.
When I was a little kid I was going to run away & join the circus, or have some great adventure, not because I had a bad home life. I just thought it would be cool to have an adventure, but I could never go because I always had to wait for the next weeks Disney movie.
Great Memories. I love your blog and I will come back and visit.
Do you know which one I always liked? Justin Morgan Had A Horse.
I have always wanted a Morgan ever since I saw that movie!
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