I joined Anja from My New Classic Home for the Thrifting Challenge that she is hosting this week. Yard sales and thrift shops are some of my favorite places to shop. Oh the treasures you find...
Because I have a daycare, I'm always on the lookout for thrifted toys to add to the play closet. We live just a few blocks away from our local Coast Gaurd housing, so I tend to cruise through there many weekends. There is a lot of young families in housing and I can always be assured of some great toys at their sales. I bought this whole lot of fun playthings this weekend for $4.50! Whenever I add a new toy to the closet, all the kids immediately see it when they arrive for their day. It's really funny how they all zone in on the new things.
I have a love for pie-plates and found this huge one at a yard sale in Portland. We just happened to be driving by, not on the look-out for yard sales but saw this one in a really cute neighborhood so had to stop. So glad I did! The old red-handled kitchen gizmo's came from an estate sale here in Astoria. One of those sales where you have the run of the entire house from top to bottom and anything you find is for sale. It's kind of a strange feeeling digging through someone's life. I hope someday someone will like my treasures.
Happy Thrifing to you....
Beautiful pie-plate, looks like something for a lovely sunny summer fruit pie... yammmie!
I love your finds! Such cute toys. Oh, to be a kid again. And the kitchen things are wonderful. I have some great old kitchen pieces that I need to get out of a box in the garage.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. If you get a little glass house in your secret garden before I get one, let me know. I'll bring the tea and come right away!
those were great finds!!!
estate sales are the best...they have lots of really neat gadgets...
Wow, you did good on your thrifting!!!
Cool toys, I can just see those Puddle Duck's playing with them.
I see another instrument for us to play!!!
I realy like the kitchen gadgets too!!
I love love yard sales and thrift stores. Sometimes it seems a sale is meant just for me-and I love everything they have or others its like "oh there isn't one thing for me". Can't wait till the yard sales start back this summer!
Oooo I love the red handled tools! You always score the best stuff Paula! I just picked up twored tools myself from Farmhouse Funk. YES... I FINALLY went there! LOVE THAT PLACE! We should go one Saturday!
Hey... the CG housing does a big neighborhood garage sale thing. I don't know if they still do it, but keep your eyes open for it. I think it's the first Saturday in May maybe?
Ooops. That should read "two red" tools...
I can hardly wait to yard sale again. We are finally getting agreeable weather, so the sales will start popping out all over! If I had been with you, there might have been a sister brawl over those cool kitchen items!!!!
Don't forget, my birthday is only a few short months away . . .
Your new old kitchen stuff is great!!! And yes, you can find lots of toys for almost no money at thriftstores. Hurray for the thriftstores!!
What a lovely finds!
You sure did some great thrifting.
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