(I really wasn't that grouchy. It was cold! I did find out this weekend that my nickname as a baby and toddler was Stormy. Maybe that has something to do with that scowl on my face...)
Things have been insane around here lately. A house full of wacko-s, I tell you! People starting new jobs, buying new cars, taking turbo trips, trying to pass classes, getting new glasses, growing new teeth, not growing hair. I could go on and on....
All joking aside, we have been crazy busy this spring. Not quite sure why or where the time is going.
My little brother came to visit for a week and we made him so comfortable that he's staying until mid-July. He graduated from college in November, finished up his internship and is in a kind of limbo until he reports for training in Chicago for his new job. He's been in New York for several years now, so it's been nice to have him around. Makes us do extra sight-seeing that we wouldn't generally do. Word to the wise - if your brother comes to visit, don't let him have that comfortable mattress - he'll never leave. (Just kidding, Josh. You know when I start cooking eggplant that it's time for you to leave. LOL!)

This past weekend found us at my sister's house outside of the sprawling metropolitan area known as Echo, Oregon (population: 30) for my nephew, Jordan's high school graduation. WA-HOO! Way to go Jordan. We're so proud of you!!
Since the ceremony was held at 6pm on a Sunday evening and it's a 5 hour drive back home, we went for the afternoon party. The woman in my family get a little bit carried away when we have get-togethers. For some reason each and every one of us think that we need to bring the entire dinner for everyone, so we always have truckloads of food hanging around. I swear there was an entire salad and a whole dessert for everybody. Craziness!

Riff and Dustin had some good old-fashioned muddy four-wheeling fun down at the Umatilla river with the rest of the silly boys. Too bad I didn't get a picture of all of them. Check out my sisters blog post,
Bumper-Be-Gone, for a hysterical redneck u-tube video. Even though someone could have had their head sliced off (TAMMY!), you'll see how my family has a good time. (If you double-click on the picture, you can see their mud-splatteredness.)

Getting home at 10:30 last Sunday night from our little road-trip, I checked my email and YIPEE, I had sold a set of baby blocks on etsy. I have been busy cutting blocks and letters, appliqueing and stitching. I finished them tonight, boxed them up and they are ready to head out the door to the post office in the morning. I hope little Caleb likes them. As I was sewing away tonight a thought came to me. Wouldn't a set of these in, I don't know, maybe blue's and green's brighten up my little cubicle?! How fun to replace that standard old name plate with some fun soft blocks. hmmm....
I have my first sweater almost finished. It's Noah-size and I'll give you a peek hopefully next week. "But it's almost summer", you say. No, no now don't you worry - here on the Oregon coast it's a bit chilly. He can wear it all year~