Thursday, May 01, 2008

Delivery Service

If you wait long enough INSIDE the birdfeeder, breakfast will deliver itself to you sooner or later. Thomas O'Malley, you are one naughty puddy tat!


Anonymous said...

Now THAT is funny!! I love that his name is Thomas O'Malley!

Adrienne said...

What a great picture! And I love his name. Did he get a birdie? I hope he scared them away. ~Adrienne~

Sweet P said...

That is a great photo! Did he get breakfast?

Terri said...

OH! That mean, bad kitty! LOL

Mary said...

LOL He is waiting for dinner to come flying his way. He's a smart cat.

Enjoyed this photo, Paula.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! You should enter that one in some kind of contest.

Anonymous said...

TOO FUNNY! Fly-thru restaurant. May I take your order please.

Anonymous said...

I love it!! They will get into some of the funniest places.
Mama Bear

Mimi said...

that is priceless!!!

Jeni said...

I loved this post -picture and your words worked just great!

monique said...

OOOHHHHHH that's a great picture!!!!!!!

Cris said...

Oh Paula, that's the cutest thing!

Anja said...

Hahahahahaahahahaaaa, just love this. Great photo. Was he lucky, by the way?

ancient one said...

I laughed out loud when I realized who was waiting for food in the bird feeder... thats a great picture!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. That is the best photo ever! Sly Thomas.