Famous Firsts
Mama Bear had this over on her blog,
Bears In Exile Return Home, and I thought it was so fun that I had to play along.
First Job: Working for Grandma and Grandpa in their hardware store; Working on our neighbors farm building fence and helping in the hayfield. Elgin, Oregon.

First Real Job: Carl's Jr. fast food restaraunt. Redding, California.
First Favorite Politician: President Lincoln
First Car: 1969 Ford LTD. What a tuna-boat that thing was!

First Record/CD: Hmmm....I think it was a 45 of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band or possibly Olivia Newton-Johns Xanadu
First Sport Played: on a team, basketball. I was terrible. My only basket was made for the other team.
First Concert: Charlie Pride at the Royals Stadium in Kansas City when we went there for the National FFA Convention.
First Foreign Country Visited: Canada (and only foreign country visited so far!)
First Favorite TV Show: Captain Kangaroo and Electric Company

First Favorite Actor: John Wayne in The Cowboys
First Favorite Actress: Melissa Gilbert in Little House on the Prairie
First Encounter with a Famous Person: I remember walking right by Charlie Sampson, a champion bull rider, standing by the horse betting booths at our very own Union County Stockshow. Since then, I've met a lot of champion rodeo cowboys and have waited on Tanya Tucker several times in the cowboy bar I used to work in at Cody, Wyoming.
First Brush With Death: When my Grandpa died. I was 14.
First House/Condo Owned: I owned a double-wide mobile home in Cody, but don't really count that. We bought our first house only 4 years ago here in Astoria, fixed it up, (boy was it a fixer) and sold it almost 2 years ago now for a really nice profit.
First Film Seen: The first movie that I remember going to was Disney's Song of the South. I think I may have been about 5 and we lived in Ketchikan, Alaska.
First Favorite Recording Artist: Alabama. I loved them for many, many years!
First Favorite Radio Station: I don't remember the call letters, but it was a station out of Spokane, Washington that we could pick up. At night we also got a station out of Walla Walla, I think, that played Masterpiece Theatre. Spooky and fun!
First Book I Remember Reading: I come from a family of readers and was always surrounded by books. I don't really remember the first one, because they were just always around. I loved cowboy and outlaw books when I was little. Kit Carson, Billy the Kid, the Pony Express Riders, give me horses and cowboys and I would have my nose stuck in it until it was done. Guess I'm still kinda like that!

Oh this was fun. I love remember when's. Makes me think of things that I haven't for awhile. Feel free to join in and make sure you leave me a note so that I can pop by and read your first memories!