This morning, over at my friend CatieAn's blog, I read about an amazing bloggy event going on called One World One Heart. Lisa at A Whimsical Bohemian is the host of this phenomenon, has been hosting it for a couple of years. It is all about meeting new bloggy friends and reconnecting with old. Finding kindred spirits who we haven't ventured out and met yet. Connecting with people in our corner of the world and also across the pond both ways. It's what blogging is all about, connections and making our world seem not so big and scary. It's a wonderful thing for me, to think that because of this crazy bloggy world, I have friends all over the place, people I've never met face to face but feel that I know. Some of them I do know that I could show up on their doorstep, introduce myself and be swept into a hug, invited in for tea and a cozy chat. How comforting is that ~ to know that there are people all over the place that really truly care for you. Incredible.
As soon as I read about this, I had to join in because I feel so strongly about what Lisa is trying to do. Oh - and I visited her site and swooned over her beautiful vibrant artwork. Go take a peek for yourself. It's gorgeous and so much fun! In the name of the game I've decided to give two prizes away for One World One Heart to two Magic Carpet 2010 ticket holders. Getting your ticket is easy, just leave a comment, that's all, no tricks, only treats! The winners will be chosen on February 15th by a random number picker at random.org. Easy peasy!

First, I will be giving away a set of four homemade picture note cards and envelopes featuring my Gnome friends. I've caught them in the cutest situations - out playing in the woods, feeding chickens, all kinds of things, so wanted to share their antics with a blogger friend, new or old. Then, for the second prize, an actual flesh and blood, or I suppose I should say, yarn and fiberfill, Gnome....Mr. Barney Gnome, brother to a dear friend of mine. Read on for the story of how we met.
I would like you to meet my friend, Mr. Walter Gnome. My daughter, Shilo, and I were strolling along in the woods one recent afternoon when I heard a bit of rustling in a tree nearby. I heard a tiny voice proclaim "Top o' the morning to you" and with a bit of searching found Walter stretching his arms in pleasure at the tiny bit of sunshine that was peeking through the trees. (Yes, it was afternoon, but a Sunday and Gnomes tend to sleep late on Sundays.) Walter and I quickly became fast friends and not a day goes by that we don't visit on the phone. I was telling my new friend about this wonderful blogging event and he came up with a brilliant idea. It seems that his brother, Barney, has a hankering to travel a bit and meet some new people. He would be willing to put himself out there as a prize for One World One Heart, that is, if anyone would have him. I assured him that someone would love a new little friend such as he. I wish I could show you a picture of Barney, but alas, he seems to be attached to my crochet hook and was to self-conscious to let me take a photo with that metal hook attached to him. He's every bit as cute as his brother, though. (Please don't let Walter know I said that. He would be crushed. Thankfully he hasn't mastered the art of computers so won't be reading this.)
Sometimes Gnomes are shy, actually a lot of times. Even though he and I are friends, sometimes I still find him hiding in the tall grass, just waiting quietly, hoping we don't pass him by. We don't. I always keep an eye out for him, careful that an eagle doesn't carry him off. I'm pretty sure that you're little gnome friend will be fairly shy as well. They are brothers after all.
I've told him that he will be going to live in a new wonderful home and that his new friends have not yet been chosen. That they will be the holders of the Magic Carpet 2010 ticket here at On a Rainy Night. Barney, (that's his name you know), thinks that I meant he was going to be flying to his new home upon a magic carpet. I tried to explain to him that no, he would be hitching a ride with the mailman, but I still keep catching him singing this tune:
"Come on down,
Stop on by~
Take a carpet and fly
To another Arabian Night!"
He's quite the singer too, I tell you, a deep rich baritone.
Leave me a comment if you want to enter in, and even if you don't. I would love to know that you stopped by and am very happy to meet you! Please make sure that in your comment, you've left me a way to contact you in case you win and don't forget that it's not to late to join in One World One Heart and have a giveaway of your own, meeting all kinds of new blogging friends along the way. (Now, I put enough links in here. I know you can find it. Go on...)
Thank you, Lisa, for hosting such a spectacular event!
I'm number 1 - yea!!! These are just adorable - I hope one can come and live iwth me! Thank you for the chance to win---
Your stuff is great! Count me in!
oh what fun I would have with little gnome hiding him for my kiddos to find...
I hope I win!
Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)
Oh how I would love love LOVE to give him a loving new home!!
Fun idea to make cards- they are a great give a away- please include me
Shelly #890
Your work is Great...I love the Gnome..and I won't breath a word to Walter...shhh...Please enter me in your giveaway..
Please stop by my blog on your journey on your Magic Carpet..#280
What a super giveaway! Thanks for making my carpet ride more enjoyable!
Swooping in from Alabama on my Magic Carpet. Such a wonderful adventure. So many beautiful places....so many interesting people...so many talented artist.
Love your giveaway...please enter my name.
When you take flight again please come by Southern Ooaks #760 and sit for a spell...have a glass of Sweet tea...look around and then enter for one of my treasures.
What a lovely story :) I'll be leaving your blog open on my screen so that I can read the story to my little boy when he returns from daycare - he will think it's delightful :)
These are cute and nice idea to make note cards. Please add my name to your draw. Thanks
Oh Paula, Barney is adorable.....I am sure he would love living in Georgia!! :) Thanks for sharing you ART with us!! :::Smiles:::
Shelly OWOH #435
My children and I would love for him to come live with us, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name and stop by my blog to win as well #750 - Krystal (kryssi01@msn.com)
This is fun !
Will you come and visit me ?
Beautiful work - I'm amazed at the wonderful items on all the sites. This is my first time I've taken part and am having a blast.
Please incuded me in your contest
#834 & #835
What amazing prizes! I'd love a little gnome to live at my place. :)
Please feel free to drop in and visit my blog: http://cassandraking.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-giveaway.html
Your Walter is welcome here.
I will take care of him. You cards also are lovely, grate blog.
Greetings from France(do you think he'll love France????)
Love him! Please count me in.
Great cards! Please enter me!
Pirjo from Finland; an OWOH giveaway#338
I just adore gnomes and would love to give your little frind a home!
Hi :)
I just love the wonderful opportunity to travel the world on a magic carpet and visit so many wonderful people :)
Love your gnomes, and I would love a chance to win at your wonderful giveaway :) if you haven't already then, please stop by my blog, there's a giveaway there too, and I'd love it if you'd enter !!
Hugs and thanks,
Linda from Norway
Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win! chiggerlane@aol.com
He is super cute!
Aaawwwww isn't he just a cutie! I have just started revisiting crochetin and so this is exciting! A quite a singer you say? :-) WHether a picture or a real one, all I can say is just adorable!
(I'm participating this year too. Here's my post: OWOH 2010: A Little Friend For You Too
Oh Barney is so cute- he would love living in the Great Smoky Mountains
thanks for the chance to win him
I love your gnomes and have a special spot all ready for a special one:) Now all I have to do is wish hard enough...right? Oh yes, and cross my fingers!
Barney is so cute!
I enjoyed your blog! Please enter me...
He is so cute! I would give him a nice and save house to live in. Thanks for this giveaway!
Even after the hedgehog leaves for his new home I have others the gnome could live with, should I win him... so please enter me in the drawing.
Thanks for visiting me at #3
I love the gnome! Thanks for the very generous and wonderful giveaway.
Shilo Beedy
Thank you for visiting my blog. It must be fun in your home with all those little gnomes around. Do they the homework for you or are they as lazy as they are here (sleeping day and night tucked in their little homes) ;-)
Kind regards, Els
ohhhh I ADORE gnomes and this is the cutest ever!! Oh I would LOVE him here on my desk!! Please pick me random generator!! Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! Count me in, xo Mendy
How cute, adorable, huggable, lovely, awesom. Please enter my name!
OOOOO i think this is a swell deal please count me in
I love Walter, and I would love to give Barney a new home! My daughter (4) was looking over at the computer and said "Can you make him?!" I told her we are going to try to win him.
Check out my blog, Walter might enjoy some crocheted and felted flowers.
How cute, my daughter has one wearing a Kilt. Hugs Pam
Hi Paula,
nice to meet you too!
Your little gnome is so fantastic.
Please enter me in your give-away! Thank you!
Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany.
how creative and cute!
I would love to win your cards...how cute!
Blessings from Maryland,
So lovely giveaway!!
what a sweet story! Hehe, i love both your giveaways - finding new interesting cards to send to friends is hard but these would be lovely! Please count me in :)
#822 sewgorgeous.blogspot.com
isn't this fun??
Lots and lots of gnome love in this house! Enjoyed this post tremendously...and will be back to read more.
The pictures are so cute! What a fun giveaway.
Please stop by if you get a moment (#607)
Oh he is a honey pie! Would love to be included in your giveway. Please stop over and say hi :) xo
Oh, I just ADORE gnomes!!! They make me so amazingly happy!!! And Barney is just fantastic!!!! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
I am absolutely obsessed with gnomes. I would let him live on my desk with my other gnomes and they would have fun gnome adventures. I love your giveaway!
Amy // OWOH 680/681
My roommate is getting me into this whole OWOH thing, and this is great! Thank you for this giveaway.
Sarah (musicalhobbit@aol.com)
Lovely,lovely...I’d love the chance to win your beautiful offering! I really enjoy blog hopping and seeing all the talent.. This is just so much fun!!
What a cute gnome! Would love to be entered!
Greetings & Salutations,
Enchanting Gnome & Gnome Card OWOH Giveaways!
Barney Gnome Is Really Cute...
Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
P.S. Wonderful Blog...
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
I love this! Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this- please toss my name into the hat. :) And if you haven't already, make sure you pop over to my blog for chances to win, too! #318 on the magic carpet...
You're on a roll here....Those gnomes are so cute!
Oh I do need a traveling buddy! That little gnome is soooo cute.
Please enter me in your fabulous give away! And stop by #657 and say hello.
So darling. Please include me in your drawing.
Oh! I love your gnome friend! How nice that you found him! Please enter me in your give away. And stop by my blog (molleemac.blogspot.com) #692.
I just love that little guy. You are very tallented to have made him. The pictures are too much fun....I can tell you love making them.
Thank you for the chance.
Kelly #636
*waves to Walter*
*and Paula*
I think the mailman is a safer bet than a magic carpet, if you come here- he knows just where we are, and can bring you right to the gate. And then we can have tea, and almond cookies. I do hope you like almond cookies!
Paula, I am sorry you can't hitch a ride with the mailman too! But I think you'll be happier at your gnome-gifted home. So I wave virtual cookies at you!
Glad you joined the Ride!
OWOH Ticket Holder #21
ooo i have the perfect place for walter!!!
please count me in!!
jeanzosss (at) yahoo (dot) com
Walter would fit right in among my dolls. They would love to hear him sing.
Count me in please...
Teresa aka Tess
Great blog, awesome giveaway! I'm #252 on OWOH, I'm giving away home made soaps and a custom tutu. Please check mine out when you get the chance! Thanks. :) http://nelliebugs-swaps.blogspot.com
I think Walter wants to meet some of my mice don't you?!? LOL! thanks for the chance. Stop on by my blog for a chance, I've got a mouse just waiting to meet you. God bless. Cathy #446
What a cute little guy. thanks for such a sweet story and a sweet give away.
oooh yes please!
Thanks for a chance to win!
#877 OWOH
They are all so precious! I loved your banner when I first came on your blog! Please enter my name and visit me soon! ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/
The gnomes are adorable! I love to use handmade note cards when I thank my buyers--these are so cute!
Hope you can stop by my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #344
Cute cute cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!
*•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-*
How Marvelous!
Please count me in!
Gina Luna
*•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-*
I love the creatures in your banner.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
These little folks are gorgeous. They make me smile.
My OWOH giveaway is #79.
Oh my gosh Paula! Gobs of people must love these little gnome freinds!
One of them just arrived with the mail man yesterday at my house he is so cute & still a little shy. I think he likes to cook. He has been hanging out by my cook books getting ideas. I can't wait to see what he comes up with!
Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.
Hi Paula, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the cards. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
These are so sweet! I had a toy just like this when I was little.. I may still have it...Somewhere?
PS I am # 926 & #927 on the magic carpet ride.
He is just adorable! Please enter me into you giveaway and thank you for the opportinty.
Cheers! Beck
(#349 Sarcastic Quilter)
Walter is just darling, as I'm sure Barney is too. I had to stop by when I saw the name of your blog. It's a rainy night here in my part of TX, you see. I would love for Barney to come live with me. We could sing and travel together. Thanks for the chance. ;)
Come and check out my giveaway too. I'm #855.
I too have a gnome friend named Roamy Gnomey! He'd love a new partner in mystcheif!
Please join my magic carpet ride too!
Oh how delightful! This is what I love about the OWOH magic carpet ride - reading delightful stories and meeting new friends! I would be honored to win one of these delights! :) Hugs, Tamara
What a fun post! And what adorable little gnomes! One of those would be going to a good home if I win! :)
Stop at my blog and enter my giveaway!
These are so cute!
Oh my gosh, love them!
I'm #390 on the ride
How darling!!
i'm 988 on the magic carpet if you'd like to visit mine too
Your gnomes are so cute and would love to win one. please enter me in
Way too cute! Please add my name to the hat. :O)
My good friend collects Gnomes!! I'd love to gift her with this one!!
Stop by my giveaway if you haven't already #257
Oh how wonderful. I would love to give barney a home here with us in Scotland.
Please count me in :-)
Sadie x
OWOH #962
oh thank you for making me smile when I read your wonderful story and saw the gnome pictures. Would love to give Barney a home, please include me in your draw
I love gnomes! And you've captured their joyful spirits so well. :)
Thanks for offering up this adorable giveaway! Crossing my fingers....
I invite you to enter the drawing on my blog: http://newport2newport.livejournal.com/222050.html
Hello this little guy is just too cute. And from what I can see your work is excellent. Please count me in. Come visit my blog as well.
#350 on the magic carpet ride
Lisa, pleased to meet you. I love your photo journey of the knitted adventurer. He looks like he kows where the fun is so I will just follow him.
Blessings xJ
Hi It's nice to meet you.
Your crocheted guys made me laugh out loud. They are crazy cute!!
Rhonda 884
Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win...I have a faerie room so Mr. Barney Gnome would be in heaven in there! lol If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox
He is adorable!
Thanks for the chance to win.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
104 comments - SERIOUSLY!!!!??? Those are some way cute gnomes. What a lucky little guy - he could end up anywhere in the world, he must be sooo excited!
what a great giveaway.love your gnomes! thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.
oh Walter is so cute and I just love all of his chickie friends!
Walter is so cute! Please count me in...:) You are more than welcome to stop by and take part in our giveaway too...#81 Thank you! samjerus(at)yahoo.com
Hey Paula, darling gnomes and story, I would love the gnome to visit me when he can tear himself away from your hook.
When you get a chance, fly by my blog on your magic carpet, I am OWOH #907.
It is so very very nice to meet you.
Thank you for participating in OWOH.
Beautiful and charming blog! So magical!!He is so sweet!!
A beautiful and stunning treasure !
I am traveling on my magic carpet from Connecticut.
My blog #937
How cute and sweet. angelandspot(at)yahoo.com
The Gnome is so sweet ! I would love to take him on some forest adventures with me !
Thanks for the chance to win. I hope you have a wonderful OWOH adventure.
Cheers !
I *love* that sweet little gnome! I hope we can give him a new home. Please enter me in your giveaway!! Thanks so much! Amanda
ps - visit me at # 1031, thanks!
Great work! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again. I'm at http://inspirationsstudio.blogspot.com
Paula I would love for Barney to come and see my woods. I am sure he would love all the flora and fauna here at Wildflower.Tell Walter he can visit anytime!
PS Thanks for visiting my blog!
such fun , he'd have a great time being next to the sea as well
please count me in
my magic carpet number is # 397
There I was, sitting at the computer, merrily typing away, when all of a sudden I heard this little bell-like sound, and then a few sweet gentle notes, and then a faint, beautifully mellow voice singing.......
My name is Barney,
will you be my friend
when I'll go aflying
at the giveaway's end?
When the carpet will take me
to England's shore,
will you look after me
forever more?
It was so beautifully sung, I gently whispered to the wind - of course I'll be your friend, come live with me!
LOL! These are so cute! Come see my tatted lace at #753.
Oh I really want to meet Barney and listen to his singing! He sounds like such a cultured gnome. THanks for your lovely comment for William, he is most flattered to have so many people showing an interest in him. I expect Barney feels the same!
Well Barney you can sing to me any time you'd like! He is the cutest Gnome I've ever seen. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.
Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at http://calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com. #475
Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV
oh he is so cute!!! please enter me in your drawing! and come visit me too if you haven't!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. This is my first magic carpet ride and I'm having a blast!Your little gnome is the cutest! Nice design and very well made, I would be thrilled if you would enter me in your give away. Tootles for now. ~mary helen
I love it! I hope I win!
Here is my link to my OWOH 2010 giveaway at TAJ.
you are so talented.. I would love to win!
WOW how delightful your gnomes are. I love them. You are very talented. Thanks for the chance to win.
Greetings from Virginia.
Oh wow... what a wonderful giveaway gift ! And what a great blog you have too! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.
Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.
Hi...I'm a bit wind blown as I just flew in on the Magic Carpet from Canada... Whew!
Love your blog and your prize is
certainly one I hope I win!!
Thanks for entering my name for a chance to win.
Hop on the carpet and come see me. My prize is a beaded bracelet done by "moi"
I'm #362
Hi Paula from Victoria, Australia
What a lovely story about how you met your gnome. I am sure that I could make a lovely home here for Barney and he would love it.
I also like your note cards too, they are very cute.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks Lynda
Great giveaway!
Please enter my name!
'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...
Oooh... I like your gnomes! I'm sure my Poekie can be great friends with them! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)
Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)
Barney don't be shy... you're too cute to hide in the grass! :)
Dear Paula.....
Barney is too cute!
Please count me in!
And do pop in my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
I am no.950
Have a safe ride....it's quite far! :)
What a sweet blog,I am so happy that i got a chance to stop by!!
I think that you are so crafty!!
I am looking forward to visiting again;)
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.
I loved your story about Walter and Barney. I would love to have Barney come to live with me- I probably would take him to school with me and let my children love him too. Please add my name to you generous giveaway. I hope you are having as much fun as I am on this wonderful magic carpet ride.
I love gnomes, and I would always welcome a new house guest! Thank you for the chance to have a small visitor.
What a wonderful magic carpet ride this has turned out to be. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. GOOD LUCK
OWOH. I am #177 http://dreamingofcastles.blogspot.com/
I just love that gnome! Please enter me!
What a hoot! I just love everything about your post, your Gnome and your blog banner. I would love a chance to be the lucky recipient of your gift. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.
visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com
Lovely cards -- thanks for the chance to win them. :)
If a glass bead necklace sounds good, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there. :)
Greetings from Munich,
# 849
Hi from Minnesota.
Your giveaway is wonderful! I love your little gnomes! Thanks so much for the chance to win! (I'm #811)
FABULOUS offerings!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Awesome! Count me in :)
What a great giveaway! Please enter my name, too! Thanks.
He would fit in so nice with all my tomtens...
http://www.deirdradoan.blogspot.com/ Please come see my doll giveaway
A singing gnome? We LOVE talent at this house!
Hope you've been able to drop by my giveaway too: http://kidney-garden.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-2010-this-familys.html
Michaele (michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Please enter my name into your giveaway. Thank you so much for being part of OWOH in 2010. Hugs Naomi
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would LOVE to give Barney a happy new home. Walter could visit him on my blog anytime.
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog #258 on your journey.
Hugs from ON, Canada
haha a gnome! please enter me in your giveaway! adorable!
How cute! I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)
Adorable! I'd love them to hang out in my art room. Stop by mine at #1091
What a sweetheart - I hope he decides to come live here in Israel.
Dear Paula, thanks for visiting me through One World One Heart! It's a pleasure to meet you. Your gnomes are SO cute!!! They are indeed faerie friends. :)
Theresa #263
I would love to be your winner, I could use a little Gnome in my home.
Stop by OWOH # 653 to enter my drawing.
Please enter my name.:0) I am also having a giveaway and would love for you to stop by if you haven't already. #1025
How sweet this little guys is!
If you still have time, stop by my blogs
You have until 8am, February 15th to enter my giveaway, so hurry on over if you haven't already!
So cute!
Great giveaway - thanks so much for participating in OWOH :)
misaacmom at gmail dot com
#752 OWOH ticket holder
I hope I'm not too late. I would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada
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