Riff's birthday was yesterday, Febuary 4th. He is a huge sports nut, so I single-handedly made sure that the Super Bowl was scheduled on his birthday this year. It was quite a feat, but I did manage to prevail over the NFL. I did concede to having the game played in Miami instead of on our own Warren Field. It's better on the old tube anyway. What a wonderful wife I am, wouldn't you agree??
Here he sits with his new Lynryd Skynryd CD, pleased as punch. It doesn't take much to please this man, so I am extremely lucky.
I have written this cheesy, way bad poem to honor the day, so without further delay I give to you:
An Ode to Riff
There once was a child
from Deep River,
who always had his parents
in a tither.
He was a boy who loved
his mother,
while beating the tar
out of his little brother.
As a teenager
he was bad to the bone,
always coming home stoned.
In his early twenties
he became a Dad.
His world completely changed,
thanks to three little lads.
By his thirties he had been
dealt the card,
of single dad ~
he worked so hard.
At forty~
a new love and marriage
added to the mix.
What had been three kids
now became six.
Now another birthday
has come around,
the kids have called,
the cakes been ate,
one of his daughters
took him on a date.
We all love you
and hope your day was great!
Thanks for a great day!! I am lucky to have such a wonderful wife and children
Happy Birthday Riff!
Happy Birthday to Riff.
Paula, you're lucky to have someone right there to keep you warm. I wish mine was here, but I got to see mine this weekend and keep warm despite the sub zero. Tonight is suppose to dip to 25 below zero!! YES, -25. BTW I found a place in New York City (Uptown on the island of Manhattan). I will email the address when I remember.
Love ya!
Hey, I called on Riff's Birthday & was so busy talking I forgot to tell him happy birthday!
I thought you must have done that Super Bowl thing Paula. You have got allot of pull!
Happy Birthday, Riff.
(I tried to post this earlier, but it wouldn't take!)
Hi, Potholder Swap Partner! :o) Nice to meet you.
Thanks for the compliment on my wallhanging, well, I worked on the ALL weekend, so no I don't think I am that fast, I didn't have the Angel Nephew (18 mos of all boy) here this weekend so no interruptions to my sewing madness!
PS Happy Birthday, Riff!
Happy Birthday, Riff. My oldest daughter's birthday is Feb. 4th. I was thrilled to find out after all these year that the Super Bowl was to be on her birthday.
Happy Birthday wishes to Riff! :)
Just wanted to let you know I mailed your package Wednesday!
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