Welcome to our friendly home on Pleasant Avenue. Come in, come in. I'm so glad you've stopped by for a quick visit.
This is our new living room. Sit down! Can I get you a glass of iced tea? We absolutely adore this brick fireplace and I'm in love with the built in bookshelf in the corner. We have arranged the furniture about 100 times so far and have not yet come up with an arragement that we love. Partly because of the furniture that we have and also the furniture that we don't have. I do NOT want the fireplace hidden behind this high backed love seat, so other arrangements are in the works. We think a lower backed love seat that you can see over easier is in order, pulled out a little farther in the room will make room for a couple of smaller reading chairs and and a sofa table between them facing the fireplace for a cozy little reading retreat. I'll let you know what we decide...
Come on out to the deck. This view is also visible from all the living area's of our house ~ living room, dining room and kitchen. We feel so incredibly blessed and really can't quite believe that we are here.
Isn't this pretty? I love to sit at night and watch the cars lights as they twinkle and sparkle across the brigde.
Well, here she is...still pregnant. Brittany's due date was actually yesterday but we're still waiting. Her and Chris didn't want to find out if they are having a boy or girl. Go ahead, what do you think? Boy or Girl? When?? Everyone who leaves a guess is going in the hat for a little blue or pink surprise of their own that will come from me, so give it your best shot....
Oh, Paula, it's lovely. And you got in just in time to welcome that lovely new baby. I'll be holding good thought for Brittany in the next few days--please keep us posted, Grandma! :D
As for my guess... hmmm... Sept 2, Boy. :D
Such a lovely house and view in one of my fav places in Oregon.
Sept 3 girl.........like the new house........email me your new address for the swap..........thanks for welcoming us into your home.........
Wow!!! Love your new home, it is gorgeous, and the view is incredible. I would sit and be mesmerized by it every night as well. I love the fireplace as well....what about facing the sofa to the fireplace (I'm not sure where your tv is or if that is an issue though).
As for guessing on the baby--I am going to say you are going to have a GrandDAUGHTER on Sept 4th. :)
Congratulations on all the Excitement going on in the "N" household! Oh--did you get a new camera, too? What kind did you get if so? I'm still shopping around. I have thoughts of as soon as I buy one, the Christmas sales will be starting and I'll miss out on some good sales.
--Oh and to answer your questions--yes both of the pieces are new, my little effort to make some fall and halloween items. I do still have the mermaid picture, I wasn't going to list it but if you'd like it or know someone who would let me know. Since it was one of my earliar pieces, I didn't think I'd have an interest in it. Thanks for asking though :)
Beautiful views! I agree about the fireplace/loveseat situation.
I'm going to guess Sept 4...boy. =)
Oh Paula,this is wonderful... a lovely new home and a sweet new baby on the way. Ahh... such good stuff for you & yor family. Revel in it :)
I am thinking she is having a girl, because she seems to be carrying "high"... and I have been told that has some signifigance. Thouh I have never given brith, so what the heck do I know :)
Enjoy it all girl. We will say a pray for a smooth birth.
what a sweet new home...amazing views...and i think it's a boy.
I'm thinking the baby will be a girl & will be born on Labor day!
Yesterday I was at a yard sale with great baby cloths, but didnt buy any.Does the baby need more cloths?
Wow your veiw's are great!!!
I wouldn't want to leave the house!
Love the living room, fireplace,etc -but the view -WOW - especially overlooking the bridge.
Hi Paula! You got things arranged so quickly, you have a beautiful fireplace that wants to be seen! :-) What a gorgeous view you have! I would love to have some tea with you and from there visit my friend in Eugene... and I think I am daydreaming here. Good luck for Brittany! xoxo
What a beautiful house and view. Thanks for inviting us in. The baby girl will be born on Sept 3rd.
Amazing Paula! Oh I'm so happy for you all!!!!! And just in the nick of time before Brittany's baby arrives. How did you do all this so fast??? Joy, joy, joy!
PS... I also love your little red POST mailbox. There's a house on 8th that has one, and I'm always tempted to ring their door and ask them if they want to sell it to me.
Oh the VIEW!!!!!!!!!
I do think your house is beautiful. Truly happy for you!
Take care and happy start of the week :)
Sept. 6 .. Boy
I love your new house. The view is especially wonderful. I would be watching the cars at night also.
Love the fireplace too. The smaller chairs and the sofa table sound good to me.
Congratulations Paula!
The house looks beautiful and what a view!!
I'll say a girl on the 5th...but whatever whenever I hope it's a healthy happy baby!!!
God bless!
Paula -
Congratulations on your wonderful new home! I enjoyed the pictures - they made me homesick for Astoria and the beautiful old home we enjoyed when our adult children were just babes. We were on Jerome Street with a fantastic view above the downtown area. We had a view from every room in the house except our son and daughter's rooms. Even our bathroom had a view (from the potty!) of the Astor Column.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving your sweet comment. We've only been home from the coast for a few days and we are ready to go back again. Now! I keep thinking of the wonderful antiques I saw (and left) in Wheeler.
I would love some peach ice tea please :-)
I just love your house and the beautiful view, I am jealous! I think girl. (I have four girls of my own!)
I love it, what a fabulous space... and view!
Congratulations, I'm so excited for you!
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