A monogrammed shopping bag, monogrammed towel, papers, ribbons, buttons, a French-inspired box filled with fabulous chocolates, oh my!! My Springtime in Paris swap partner, Michele from Calico Daisy , sent me this wonderful package. I have already taken that incredibly cute bag on a couple of shopping trips with me. The colors theme of this swap was blues, blacks and whites and isn't that bag just fantastic in those colors? I love it! You can get your own over at Michele's site along with a set of those lucious towels. Great package Michele. Thank you!!
This is the package that I sent to Michele. I had a hoot finding Paris items in the right color theme and putting this one together.
I had a great time making the Paris luggage tags. They worked out wonderfully ~ The morning that Michele opened her package she was actually just leaving for a trip to D.C., so she added the Paris tag to her laptop case and went on her merry way. I'm so glad that she got use out of them right away ~
Another fantastic swap hosted by the Goodness girls at Sweet Goodness Swaps!
wow!!!!! What a wonderful swap you have received!
You als o send a wonderful package.
What wonderful things you gave and received. I've not been part of a swap but it sure looks like fun! I'll have to try it sometime. Your bag looks like it would work for a lot of things. Thanks for showing us all of your things. ~Adrienne~
Such pretty items from both of you!
Oh goodness, everything in both packages is so fabulous. What a great idea to do luggage tags!! very original!!
Beautiful packages went both ways, Paula. They are all so pretty. One of these days I will have to particpate in a swap.
Thanks for sharing all the lovely gifts.
What a fantastic swap for both of you! Drooling, drooling!
I have several nice little shopping bags which I NEVER seem to remember to bring with me when I go shopping! Pityful.
You lucked out on that swap! Pretty stuff!
I just found your blog through Stacy. I was her swap parter for this Paris themed swap - wasn't it fun!
I adore the luggage tags, too cute! The name of your blog is adorable as well, I live in Washington so I spend my nights in the rain as well.
Great blog - I'll be back!
You both got wonderful things. I enjoyed my visit.
Parfait!!! That's so beautiful!
What a great swap! I'm intrigued. Such lovely gifts, Paula, and the luggage tags? Too sweet
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