The first tragic victim of these ruthless killers was found on the front walk of a very pleasant home on Nice Avenue this afternoon. The crime fighters have placed this paper model here so that they can continue to study the crime scene. Those feathers you see are the real thing and may not be appropriate for all viewers. The victim was one Mr. Robert Blue. His family has asked that we respect their privacy in the coming days.
And in the backyard of this once peaceful home, a chalk mark mars the patio in the exact spot where a second body was discovered earlier this evening. The name of this second victim is being withheld, pending the notification of family.
Detectives believe that this birdfeeder belongs to the killer. They believe that it was set in this park-like setting in order for our feathered friends to feast calmly and happily, while unknowingly being lured to a tragic end.
THIS JUST IN! Boots Randolph FitzSimmons was captured this afternoon. After extensive questioning by detectives he has been charged with first degree murder and remains behind bars while awaiting trial. An incredibly quick job by our local law enforcement.
A second subject, a Mr. Thomas O'Malley, thought to be of Irish descent, remains at large. He is considered clawed and dangerous. If you see this individual, please call CrimeStoppers immediately.
This has been a special broadcast of Rainy Night News. We now return to your regularly scheduled program.