Birthday flowers for Brittany...
My sweet little daughter turns 20 today. Just yesterday she was toddling around the park, learning how to walk. I can see her playing in her little blow up swimming pool in the hot California sunshine, looking up to make sure her Mommy was in sight. Now that she is far away and not many months away from having a little angel of her own, she still looks up to make sure her Mommy is in sight, only now it's done with the ringing of the phone. "Hi Mom, whatcha doin'?" She told me recently that I was her hero. I sometimes feel like I failed my children, because as a single mom I worked so very much, but Brittany seems to know that it was all for them, not because of them, but FOR them. I hope I'm always the Mom that my daughter thinks I am...
Happy Birthday, Brittany. We love you lots.
Boy, can I relate to seeing things as they once were in my mind's eye now - my oldest "baby" just turned 40; the "favorite son" (only one, that's why he gets that title) will be 34 in August and my little baby is now 31! Where the heck did the time go so quickly!???
Like you, I often felt very guilty about all the hours I had to work as a single mom -occasionally the oldest will toss a few jabs my way, in case the guilt has subsided somewhat. But overall, all three of my kids are very understanding about the "lost time" issues we often endured over the years or the funds we didn't have to do things others could do and now, the oldest and my son never end a phone call with out saying "I love you Mom." The youngest, who, with her family, lives with me, never goes up to bed without first saying "Love you, Mom" either. My oldest grandchild -Prince Alex - now does the same thing if he's talking on the phone to me or here, and getting ready to go back home - always "love you, Gram" on the phone and in person, I get the words plus a hug and a kiss too! Now that erases all the guilt for me - at least for a day or two!
Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday to your Dear Daughter! I'm sure she knows as do your other children, everything you have done has been in the name of love for your kids.
Oh--and I am SUPER jealous of your big ole yard sale this weekend!!! 28 miles worth of goodies??? Dang! Good luck finding lots of treasures!
Happy Birthday Brittany! I think i am a little late, but I hope you had a lovely day! Time flies... my oldest will soon be a teenager...
Look how sweet that face is! I hope she had a lovely day. You are a GREAT, mom! Blessings. :D
Happy Birthday Brittany!
Sounds like your birthday girl thinks you did an o.k. job as a mom, and who should know better? Congratulations to both of you!!
Say, where are you moving to?
YOU did good Paula!!! She is happy and there is a love and an unbreakable bond between you and her and Brittany is going to be a mother and the circle is coming around...I know exactly how you feel oldest is 24 and will be getting amrried next summer and sometimes I look back with "what if" or "wish I had"...and all the hard work I had to do to bring her up. But we are good friends and she said basically the same things..."I owe it all to you Mom and what you did for me and how you loved me"...ha! In spite of it all they still love us! :) YOU ROCK!!!! Happy Birthday Brittany!!! You are blessed....
Happy birthday to your daughter. Cute baby photo.
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