(originally uploaded here )
Yes, Brittany and Jeni, there are 8 reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh ~ Thank you Brittany for supplying their names for us ~
Today's trivia question:
Name the Three Kings~
Be sure to leave your answer in my comments to get your name in the after Christmas drawing. You can play everyday ~ The more right answers, the more chances to win!
Merry Christmas!
Which 3 kings? If they are the "We three kings of Orient" they aren't named. As far as I know.
Their names, in Norwegian, are Kaspar, Melkior and Baltasar.
didn't know they had names until I googled them and the names meant nothing to me at all......so i won't put them here........
.... but they brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.......I do remmeber that from the school play in primary school.......lol.......
oh I LOVE this picture! :)
Yes, they had names, but I don't know without looking them up... I think Britt-arnhild might be right!
Anyway, I'm not in the contest.. I just came to visit. I love the diaper bag! Looks like y'all really had a storm... So, I think I'll just quit complaining about no rain and just sit quietly over here on the east coast and pray for all my blogger friends who are having it so much worse than me!!
Dang - my brain just went into cardiac arrest - totally dead! I think one of them was named Balthezar or something like that but right now, their names may as well be Larry, Moe and Curly for what I can remember tonight.
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