Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not My Life...

This is my little hole where I spend 9 hours a day, five days a week. This space does not define me. It is my job, it is NOT my life.


Jodi Ohl said...

Amen, Sister!!

I'm a completely different person at work than I am at home, but somehow both the me's compliment one another, but work definitely does not define me, either!

Anonymous said...

Your walls need some quilts hanging on them! Damn workspaces!

Anonymous said...


My younger brother is a musician with a day job. I keep telling him, "there's no shame in having a job that allows you to do what you love." Not all of us find work we adore that also pays. . . most of us have to fund our own passions! :D

Anonymous said...


Your desk is about as big as mine on the 9th floor of the CIB Tower in Lower Manhattan. I enjoy my job and I work for Muni Security division of Citigroup. It is nice to know that someone share a similar type of life as I do. Laugh. Well, maybe not similar as I live in Manhattan and take the subway to work and then go out and enjoy the city at night depending on what I wanna do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us take a peek at where you work. Sometimes I wish I had a desk job, maybe when I grow up:)

Jeni said...

Ah, what I wouldn't do to have an "organized" space, with shelves and doors to hide things behind around my computer and my desk here! But I think the clutter around me actually does define my life! LOL
BTW - I got myself organized enough and remembered something - for a change - and added your blog to my list of favorites today.