Went blackberry pickin' tonight until it got a little too dark to see. So much fun to squabble about who found the motherlode and who has picked the most. We came away with a few scratches, but plans to go again this week. You CANNOT have to many blackberries, simply impossible. I am making a tart tomorrow night and plan to lay away a few pies in the freezer for those long rainy winter months.
I'm thinking blackberry jam, blackberries on my cereal, blackberries on vanilla ice cream, blackberries by the handful. The possibilities are endless....
Yummy! We don't have anywhere to blackberry pick around here (that I'm aware of). I have to just buy them at the store - your way is much better! Enjoy all those great fruit desserts!!
We are overrun with blackberry bushes, but I certainly don't complain this time of year!
Apron thrift girl,
I may have to follow your lead and try the jam also!
Oh Paula, YUM! They are my favorite berry! I wish we could grow them here but it is too hot and dry. I was looking for some in the store and there were none...sigh. They look delicious!
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