I titled my blog "On a Rainy Night..." because a little over a year and a half ago, Riff and I moved our family from the high desert of Wyoming to the Oregon coast. We are enjoying our new adventures and have experienced MANY rainy nights. I love to lay in bed at night listening to the sound of the rain on the roof and against the windows. I love the sight and smell of the fog rolling in and creeping around the trees. I love standing on the beach with the wind blowing the salt spray against my face. I love to breathe deeply the distinct smell of the ocean. I love walking the dogs on the beach under a full moon (on the months when the sky is clear enough to actually see the moon!). I love making clam chowder with the clams that we have dug ourselves. I love to throw my crab ring in the water and pull it up full of red, snapping dungeness crabs. I love to watch the fishing boats in the bay. I love to visit our local herd of Sea Lions down at the pier. Please, follow me on our new adventures through the rain. I promise not to get you wet!
I've never been to the Oregon coast but I've always heard it's beautiful. And you just confirmed it for me. Your life there sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven on earth, seriously. I have a huge love of the ocean. I guess that's obvious when you see my blog.
And I read down through a couple of your posts. I have every book ever written by Luann Rice. I love beachy books. My all time favorite is The Outer Banks by Anne Rivers Siddons.
That second meme, where you turn to page 123 and find the 5th line, is really fun. I'd love to do that one.
Oh Paula...that was a beautiful description of your blog name...I could feel the cool of the water and ocean breeze on my face and taste those fat yummy crabs! What a change from Wyoming to Oregon! The sound of rain on the roof is a good one...I enjoy your writing very much!
It's been hot here in Wyoming.
I would love a walk in the fog!
The wind is blowing & it's suposed to be cooler tomorrow.
I wish you could come take a walk with me here in the dessert!
How lovely!! I love the coast and the ocean - luckily we're not too far, but living near the water would be great! I used to live in the Marina in San Francisco and we could walk down to the water every day. I miss it!
I'm over here from Barb's...
Just wanted to say the picture and your discription is beautiful...AND I'm from Oregon!
I'm pretty much a native, though...other than growing up partly in Washington (which is almost the same!)
Though we don't live on the coast, it's only an hour away. My husband's side of the family camps at Cape Lookout, and I love Newport, myself.
It was fun to visit you...I may be doing this meme via Barb via your site! :)
Thank you all for the nice comments and for stopping by!
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