September in Astoria has not been that way this far. Our average temperature, in the summertime, is in the high 60's, but so far, this September, we are having incredible blue sky days with the temps in the mid 70's and the water sparkling under the sunny skies. Days where you have to get out, take advantage of the blessings Mother Nature is bestowing on us. After work the other day, I grabbed my camera and took myself down to the waterfront. We have a wooden riverwalk that runs the length of our town (I think it's about 4 miles) all along the Columbia River. When you're walking you hear the sounds of footsteps, bike tires and the Trolley's steel tires clanking against the old wooden boardwalk and railroad tracks. Water splashing and sloshing under the piers and against the ancient wooden pilings in the river. Seagulls sqwauking, people talking, laughing, calling for children to keep up, to get away from the edge of the river. Dogs stroll along with us, people sit on the benches, waiting for the Trolley with it's clanging bell to pick them up and carry them farther down the tracks. Ships blast their horns at other ships, greeting them or warning them that they're coming through. The Pilot Boat guns his engine as he makes his way out to help a larger ship through the dangerous channel. The Coast Guard helicopters fly over, keeping our waters and our fisherman safe for another day. As you walk along, different delicious smells from the eateries and brew pubs along the way tantalize your senses. The sound of clinking silverware and music from these establishments tickle your ears. The barking of Sea Lions as they growl back and forth at each other is a source of entertainment, and the never-ending ocean breeze whispers through your hair. A better walk in all the world you will not find. Come along with me today. Open your senses and enjoy our town.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. Thanks so much for walking with me, it's always nice to have a friend or two along to soak in the sites of our little town.
Happy Glorious September All!
Oh, Paula, not only did I enjoy my walk with you - I'm ready to head to Astoria and buy a house to fix up so we can retire there! Wouldn't that be a neat thing to do? Your photos and tales of Astoria always make me so 'homesick' to return and live there again. And while I'm pining away for the old hometown I reminisce a bit and recall the many days we spent raising our babies there! One of these days I hope to drive over and walk that walk with you. It wasn't there when we lived there. Bits and pieces were there but it's time for my sweetheart and I to spend some time there once again - visit some dear older friends who still live there - and a few younger ones, too. If we can plan that I'll let you know we're heading your way. It might be Spring before it happens but I'll get my walking shoes ready so I can enjoy the sights and sounds of the river again.
I love this post & this song. Neil Diamond is one of my favorits. I have worn out several of his greatest hit albums & had to replace them.
What a fabulouse place to walk!
I adore the Oregon coast and my greatest joy would be to live somewhere on that coast line. But alas the farmer would never move there. He loves to visit but hates the wind and rain. Personally I don't think it is a lot different than Eugene and Springfield except maybe the wind and cooler temps. But I on the other hand love it for that reason. Thank you for letting me join you on your walk.
Thanks for taking me along!
I loved the picture walk.
Maybe one day I'll see it for real. But for now I'll enjoy your walks.
I certainly enjoyed taking a September walk with you along the waterfront. Fabulous sights, sounds and fragrances. Your imaging made me feel as if I were standing right beside you.
Thanks for the tour. Wishing you a wonderful week.
Absolutely wonderful walk! Some day I will make it that far north just for pleasure. I will let you know if and when that happens, and you can show me your waterfront.
Thanks for visiting my "camping trip", it was a lot of fun.
We are now planning the next one - Oct. 1st til the 10th or 12th.
Take care
These are my very favorite posts! I absolutely loved this. Someday I'll visit your town in reality and smell the salty air and feel the wind in my hair and look across to Washington.
I can just smell that fresh salty air ... ahhh! Thanks for sharing such a lovely day ;-)
This is so weird... I was just singing this song to myself the other day! It always makes me melancholy whenever I hear the first notes of it- but I love it! Paula, are you sure we're not related? We sure do have the same taste in music not to be!
Beautiful pictures... you are blessed to live in such a gorgeous place. Thanks for taking me along for the tour!
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