In the process of trying to figure out why I am sick all the time, and knowing that it is directly related to food, my Doctor has scheduled me to be tested for Celiac (sp?) disease, which is an intolerance(?), allergy(?) to gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley and something else. Until the testing is done and we get results, she wants me to stay away from gluten. I'm finding this very difficult since I don't know what all that entails. Is there a magic list out there that tells you what all has gluten in it? Of course, bread and bakery products are a no-brainer, but I think gluten is hidden in alot of other places that I wouldn't even think to look. Whats a girl who loves to bake and has a bit of a sweet-tooth to do??
I found this gluten-free flour today in our local grocery stores very tiny wheat-free section. I was very excited to bring it home and give it a whirl, since brownies were on todays agenda. I whipped them up, threw them in the oven, then decided to taste the batter. EEH-GADS! This flour is made of garbonzo (again sp?) beans, fava beans, potato starch and tapioca. The batter tasted just like garbonzo beans. I was totally disgusted! But, out of the oven, the bean flavor is gone and they aren't half bad, a little strange after-taste but all in all, a success.
Please, any of you gluten-free's out there, leave me a comment and let me know your success'. What works for you...
(p.s. ~ I just opened my own etsy shop
and I couldn't be prouder! Stop by for a visit)
Hi Paula,
I just typed "gluten free diet" in my browser bar and you should see all the web sites out there with the information you need.
I've come across several people out here who have celiac disease. Amazing. I'd never even heard of it before.
One of the Eat Right for Your Blood Type books have a bunch of lists and recipes for a gluten free diet.
PS> Walluski Babble we are talking about changing the date and time of the blogger meeting. Would you be able to come on the 11th?
Hi Paula,
Sorry to say I'm of no use in the "gluten free" advice. But I love your little bears in your etsy store,,, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR OPENING!!! GOOD LUCK!!
How cool....I've wanted to open my own Etsy shop but have no clue what I'd sell. *LOL* Congrats!
I wanted to let you know about a cookbook for people with food allergies. The author, Cybele Pascal has two sons that are allergic to EVERYTHING. I've tried a couple of recipes from her book and love them. I don't have food allergies, but, know lots of folks who do. Check out her blog: Her cookbook has the same title as her blog :)
Hi Paula,
The last 3 years I eat glutenfree. To test if you have this disease you need a bloodtest. If that bloodtest is positiv, you need a biotopsy. But before you have done this, don't stop eating gluten. Why? Because your body will repair the damage if you stop eating gluten. If you need recepies look at
I wish you a lot of succes.
Paula, I hope they find what ails you soon, so at least you can move forward. Keep us updated!
Off to check out your etsy shop!! Congrats!
Thank you all for the great tips and sights to check out. I'm not going to go to overboard with all this until the results come in, but am starting to change my cooking habits so it won't be such a transition all at once.
Oh Man Paula! I hope you do not have Celiac's, but if you do, dont sweat it. My husband was diagnosed with it earlier this year and it has been an adjustment, but honestly we are all healthier because of it. More fruits and veggies and relatively low amounts of carbs for the other 4 of us.
Here is another link for you:
And thanks for the kind words on my love note (wink).
Blessings to you!
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